Saint Kabir says, "Eak Noor se Sab jag Upjya, Kaun Bure Kaun Mnade", meaning from one light, the entire Universe welled up. So who is good and who is bad. Vedas says, "Eko Aham Bahusyam", meaning, God was one and alone and wanted to be in many, and that's the start of creation of all things. Hindus believe that, as the creation began, the divine, all-encompassing consciousness took the form of the first and the original vibration manifesting as sound 'AUM'
Science says the World started with a 'Big Bang' and when the time will come will merge into black hole into nothingness. Still they are silent over the question of what existed before the 'Big Bang'. Science knows only 4% of the Universe, the rest, 23% of the dark matter and 73% dark energy is still in dark.
Science does not satisfy and will never satisfy our questions, but religion has answered based on our faith. Belief in God is compatible with different models of the World. Both a beginning of the time and infinite duration of time are unimaginable. Both are outside of our sphere of experience. Where does the Universe come from and what is it for, but also, where do human beings come from and where they are going? Why we do what we do, and why and to whom we are ultimately responsible? What deserves unconditional contempt, and what deserves love? What is the meaning of loyalty and friendship, but also suffering and guilt? What is the decisive measure for human beings? When may I hope for? Why are we on earth? What does it all mean? Is there something that supports us in nothingness that never makes us despair? Death, which ultimately makes everything meaningless? What should give us courage to live and courage to DIE?
'AUM' is the universally accepted symbol of Hinduism. Before creation began it was Shunyakasha, meaning literally no sky, is more than nothingness, because everything that existed in latent state of potentiality. The vibration of 'AUM' symbolizes the manifestation of God in form. 'AUM' is the reflection of absolute reality. It is said to be 'Adi Anadi', without begining or end and embracing all that exists. The mantra 'AUM' is the name of God, the vibration of the supreme. When taken letter by letter, A-U-M represents the divine energy(Shakti) united in its three elementary aspects; Brahma Shakti (creation), Vishnu Shakti (preservation), and Shiva Shakti (liberation, and/or destruction).
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