Friday, December 30, 2011


     Today, I am telling you the story of a little boy. Long before in our society, men can marry more than one woman. Rich persons, specially kings use to have more than one wife. One such king named Shanu, married with two women. His first wife Shuchi was a nice, beautiful, decent, well behaved and good heart woman. She had a son named Raja. She raised her son very carefully, taught him all the good manners required him to be a nice young man and a better future king. The story of his second wife is exciting; One day, king was passing to a jungle for hunting purpose, suddenly he encountered a young beautiful woman having bath under the lovely water fall. He immediate fell in love with the young girl and proposed her for marriage; the girl named Kuchi accepted his proposal and they got married right away. Shuchi welcomed her husband's new wife, as she was a gentle woman and there was a tradition of more than one marriage. Shuchi always tried to be nice with kuchi, but Kuchi was jealous with her and always tried to get closeness of king. Whenever, king tried to see Shuchi, she always used her beauty and attraction to stop king to not to see Shuchi. Slowly, King started less careful for shuchi and more in love for Kuchi. Time passed, Kuchi got pregnant and gave birth to a boy named Raman. Raman was a lovely boy. Raja and Raman love each other and played together. King was proud of both of his sons. Nice Shuchi, always loved both of the boys, but Kuchi, a jelous woman, always look Raja a hurdle in her son's path as she wanted her son to be the future king.
     One day, king was sitting with Kuchi in her palace, both boys came in, Raman jumped on his father's lap and so did Raja. King was very pleased to see his loving sons together, but Kuchi got irritate to see Raja in her husband's lap and said, "You have no right to sit on my husband's lap, because king doesn't love you mother anymore and her situation in this palace is like a maid." She scolded him again, "Go away from my palace right now." King couldn't utter a word as he was afraid of his queen become angry.
     Raja left the palace and went to his mother with tears in his eyes. Shuchi got stunned to know the rude behavior of Kuchi with his son. She tried to console him but Raja was very upset of his step mother's behavior. he was asking the same questions again and again, "Why my step mother told you a maid and why she didn't let me get love from my father." At last queen Shuchi took him to her temple, and told him, "Pray to God, because only he can get you love and justice  from your father." She assumed that the child will forget it all in a while, but Raja couldn't forget and started prying to God with tears in his eyes. Queen consoled him and asked him to go for a bed. She said, "For now go to sleep, you can pray to God in the morning." When Queen insisted, Raja went to bed. He laid down, couldn't sleep and quietly came to his mother's temple again. He started crying and praying. Days passed this way, queen got worried for him and tried to divert him in to different moods, but didn't succeed. She send a message to king, but once again Kuchi didn't let king to see his son Raja. Raja was praying consistently, he even stopped eating. One day he was praying, he fell in sleep. In his dream, he saw a light, which converted in to an angel. He said, "O little one! I am a guiding angel,  my name is Narad, and I help people specially little once in need. Tell me the reason of your sadness and I will solve your problem."
     Raja answered, "I am looking for God. Can you help me to see the God." Narad said, "If you truly want to see God, I can give you a secret mantra, which you have to chant without stop." Raja told, "I will do whatever you say." Narad said, "Listen! please don't stop eating." Raja told, "I do not want to eat until God will not appear in front of me." Narad told, "If you don't eat, your body will weak, and dehydrate. In the result, you will be unable to chant the secret mantra. I suggest you to eat some fruits to save you from dehydration."
     Raja woke up from his dream, and asked his mother some fruits to eat. After eating, he sat down in front of his mother's temple and started chanting the secret mantra without break. At last God appeared in front of him. God told him, " O son! tell me your wish and I will fulfill." Raja asked, "Why my mother didn't let me sit on my father's lap? Why my father let that happen? Why she spoke maid for my mother and kind didn't stop him? What is my and my mother's fault? What should I do?
     Lord smiled on his innocence and said, "So, this is you problem. come to me and sit down on my lap." Raja slowly stepped towards Lord and sat down on Lord's lap. Lord asked, "Now tell me your questions one by one." Raja was overwhelmed getting closeness of Lord, he said, "I have no complains any more. My all desires fulfilled, I don't need nothing after getting your love, and I am happy, contented and satisfied." 
     Lord smiled again and said, "Your father recognized his fault, and will give you love care and your rights. when you grow as a young man, you will be a great king on the earth. Take good care of your people; You will come to me in the heaven, after death and  there you will live happily for ever."
     In few minutes, Raja saw his father rushing to him. He now understood his mistake and remorseful for what he did to his son. He asked apology to Shuchi and Raja and assured them for there good future. Kuchi also understood her fault. When the time came, King gave Raja his kingdom and went to jungle with his both wives to do the prayers and mediation for the rest of his life. Raja became a great king and after his death, he had a right place in the heaven as Lord's promise. 

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Big Bang

Hebrew Bible says in its first sentences about the beginning of Heaven and Earth, Let there be light! The earth was without form and void: Darkness was upon the face of the deep, and the spirit was moving over the face of waters(gen. 1:1-3) Light was created before all other things, even before sun, moon, and stars.
Saint Kabir says, "Eak Noor se Sab jag Upjya, Kaun Bure Kaun Mnade", meaning from one light, the entire Universe welled up. So who is good and who is bad. Vedas says, "Eko Aham Bahusyam", meaning, God was one and alone and wanted to be in many, and that's the start of creation of all things. Hindus believe that, as the creation began, the divine,  all-encompassing consciousness took the form of the first and the original vibration manifesting as sound 'AUM' 
Science says the World started with a 'Big Bang' and when the time will come will merge into black hole into nothingness. Still they are silent over the question of what existed before the 'Big Bang'. Science knows only 4% of the Universe, the rest, 23% of the dark matter and 73% dark energy is still in dark.
Science does not satisfy and will never satisfy our questions, but religion has answered based on our faith. Belief in God is compatible with different models of the World. Both a beginning of the time and infinite duration of time are unimaginable. Both are outside of our sphere of experience. Where does the Universe come from and what is it for, but also, where do human beings come from and where they are going? Why we do what we do, and why and to whom we are ultimately responsible? What deserves unconditional contempt, and what deserves love? What is the meaning of loyalty and friendship, but also suffering and guilt? What is the decisive measure for human beings? When may I hope for? Why are we on earth? What does it all mean? Is there something that supports us in nothingness that never makes us despair? Death, which ultimately makes everything meaningless? What should give us courage to live and courage to DIE?
'AUM' is the universally accepted symbol of Hinduism. Before creation began it was Shunyakasha, meaning literally no sky, is more than nothingness, because everything that existed in latent state of potentiality. The vibration of 'AUM' symbolizes the manifestation of God in form. 'AUM' is the reflection of absolute reality. It is said to be 'Adi Anadi', without begining or end and embracing all that exists. The mantra 'AUM' is the name of God, the vibration of the supreme. When taken letter by letter, A-U-M represents the divine energy(Shakti) united in its three elementary aspects; Brahma Shakti (creation), Vishnu Shakti (preservation), and Shiva Shakti (liberation, and/or destruction).

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Story of Good and Evil

     Since the Universe started, there is a struggle between goods and evils. For our convenience, we can name them Devas(good) and Asuras(evils). The funny thing is that, both Asuras and Devas born from the same father but different mothers. Now you know the mothers play an important role in child's upbringing.
     Today I am telling you the story of Kach; he was a son of Jupiter. Jupiter was the Guru of Devas and Venus was the Guru of Asuras. As you know, there was a constant struggle between Asuras and Devas.
Whenever, they had fight, both side lost their lives, Asuras lost more then Devas because Devas were more wise and united. Guru Venus wanted to help Asuras so he prayed to lord and did Yoga Sadhna for a long period. At last Lord appeared and gave him a "New life Mantra". The Quality of this Mantra was, when Asuras died in the battle ground, Guru Venus would be able give them new life with the help of the Mantra. Slowly Devas started becoming less and less in numbers, but Asura were the same in numbers and become more and more powerful with the help of Venus.
     Devas called a meeting and they decided to seek help from Guru Jupiter. They all went together to Jupiter and requested to send his son Kach to Venus to learn the "New Life Mantra". kach was young and intelligent boy and he was strange man for Venus. Jupiter gave his permission; they send Kach to Venus and suggested to make a good friendship with his only darling daughter Devyani. It wasn't easy to get this Mantra from Venus and Devyani could help him in this mission.
     Kach went to Guru Venus and said, "You are a great Guru, I am a knowledge seeker and want to be your disciple. Please accept me as your disciple and I will serve you my best in lieu of knowledge." He smartly didn't give his true identity,because if he open him, Venus won't accept him as his disciple. Now he started learning and trying to do the best service to guru. Devyani the only daughter of Venus was much attracted with the young intelligent boy Kach. Kach used to help for every chore of the school and house with great care as he was living in their out house.
     Time was passing nicely, but Kach had no way to get the Mantra for which he came there. In the meanwhile intelligence agency of Asuras had a doubt that he was related to Devas. They immediate went to Venus to aware him with the situation. Venus understood their concerns and fears ordered him to leave; but Damyanti the darling daughter of Venus was not ready to let go Kach. When Asuras saw they couldn't get rid of Kach because of Devyani, they made a new plan. One day, when Kach was alone, they killed him, burned him into ashes and throw the ashes in to Ocean. when Devyani came home and didn't see kach, she started crying. Venus meditated and with his yoga powers, he visioned the whole story. To please his darling daughter, he used his "New Life Mantra". With his great spiritual powers, he collected the ashes of Kach and converted him in to same handsome young boy once again.
     Asuras knew that no matter what they would do to Kach, he will be alive with the help of Venus. This time they came with a unique plan; they killed him, cooked him, and feed him to Guru Venus. Now Devyani  started crying again and Venus used his Yoga powers one more time. The situation was tougher this time. He told his daughter to pick one because she couldn't have both as Kach was in his stomach. He said to his daughter, "If I give him life, I will die right away because kach is in my stomach, the only way, he can alive is to cut my stomach." Devyani loved his father so much and was not ready to loose him. But she wanted kach also. Ultimately they came with a plan, which made Kach to achieve his goal by luck. Guru Venus told Kach, who was in his stomach, "I am teaching you the "New Life Mantra", when I will alive you, I will be dead as you can come out by cutting my stomach only, use the same mantra on me to give me new life." They both did the same and they both lived.
     The purpose of Kach fulfilled so he came to Guru Venus to give him permission to go back his home. When he was ready to leave, Devyani came to him and propossed, "I love you and save your life many times and now I want you to marry me." Kach replied with respect, "We studied together with the same Guru and now I came out from your father's stomach, this way you are like my sister and it's not right to marry with sister." Devyani got angry and wanted to curse him, but kach said, "You shouldn't curse me and if you curse me, and if you curse me it won't effect on me because I am rightly saying that you can be my sister not my wife. Whenever in the life you need my help, I will be there to help you." At last Devyani understood and let kach go with heavy heart.
     Kach went back to Devas, where he had a big welcome. Devas were very happy and  impressed the way he fulflled his duty. Now Venus and Kach had the same "New Life Mantra". There was  a balance of power between Devas and Asuras. The fight stopped between them at least for a while.